Trump Vows to Reinstate Muslim ‘Travel Ban’ if Re-elected

Donald Trump, a frontrunner to win the Republican 2024 presidential nomination, made a tough stance on immigrants a cornerstone of his first White House term. At a rally in Iowa on 16 October he doubled down on his vow to tighten immigration laws if elected for another stint, proposing “strong ideological screening for all immigrants” to the US.
Donald Trump has pledged to reimpose a travel ban targeting Muslim countries if he gets re-elected as president in 2024.

“We will keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country… You remember the travel ban? On Day One I will restore our travel ban.. We had a travel ban because we didn’t want people coming into our country who really love the idea of blowing our country up,” Trump told the crowd at the annual summit of the Republican Jewish Coalition held in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Saturday.

Trump boasts a comfortable lead in the race for the Republican nomination, with 61 percent of voter support, 50 points ahead of his nearest rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who is polling at 11 percent:

“We didn’t have one incident in four years because we kept bad people the hell out of our country. We kept them out. We didn’t have one, not one instance.”

Back in January 2017, when Donald Trump was just beginning his stint at the White House, he issued an executive order imposing a travel ban to the United States for 90 days from seven predominantly Muslim countries – Libya, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. He also suspended resettlement of all Syrian refugees in the US. The order was challenged in court as “religious discrimination”.

Trump also made the most of the opportunity to slam the Biden administration’s continuing migrant crisis, saying that if elected, he will scrap every one of the Democrat president’s open border policies.
The former president made similar remarks just weeks ago at a campaign rally in Iowa. Addressing his supporters on 16 October, Trump claimed that as POTUS he would ban immigrants professing support Hamas from entering the US.
Following the latest statements made by Donald Trump, the White House wasted no time ripping into the former POTUS .
“In 2020, President [Joe] Biden decried the ‘unconscionable’ rise in Islamophobia – which he called a ‘pernicious disease’ – and was proud to overturn the vile, un-American Muslim ban enacted by his predecessor. The need to come together against rancid hate is more pressing now than ever, as American Muslims and Arab Americans increasingly find themselves the targets of appalling smears and heartbreaking violence,” said White House spokesman Andrew Bates.

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