New clashes in Tawila locality in North Darfur

Al-Yaraa – Darfur – 4 people were killed and more than 15 others were injured, including two military personnel, in clashes following altercations between gunmen in the Tabit market in Tawila locality in North Darfur.A civil leader in the Tabit area, Habib Abu said, that a brawl broke out between gunmen in a tea vendor shop in the market of the “Tabit” area that developed into clashes and shooting that led to the death of three people on the spot and the injury of 14, including two soldiers from the armed forces and a tea seller, noting that the wounded were taken to El Fasher Hospital south But one of them died of his injuries on Saturday morning.

On the other hand, a military source in the region confirmed to the news site (Darfur 24) the incident, and said that they informed the Western Command in El Fasher of the incident, and expected to send additional forces to the military garrison in the Tabit area in anticipation of any emergency.

The “El Fasher-Nyala” road, which leads to the locality of Tawila, is witnessing unprecedented security chaos since the outbreak of battles between the army and the Rapid Support, which caused the death and injury of citizens in addition to the looting of their property.

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