Reports of the penetration of jihadist and terrorist groups into Darfur from west African countries at the appeal of the Islamic Movement in Sudan


Khartoum-Al-Yurae- ( local media) – Local dependable experts and media reports have disclosed that several convoys of foreign and Sudanese combatants have turned up in areas of Darfur region beleaguered by bloody tribal conflicts, and the National Umma Party has called for an immediate investigation into allegations of an influx of fighters from West African Islamist terrorist groups into Darfur.

The National Umma Party said in a statement that the Coordinating Council met on Thursday and Saturday and was briefed on the issues of the Sudanese political process and the explosive violence in Darfur.

The statement referred to several reasons that contributed to the explosion of security events in Darfur, including “the withdrawal of a significant part of the police force in Darfur states for the purpose of using it to suppress the revolution in Khartoum, the departure of UNAMID forces before the formation of the joint force to protect civilians agreed in the Juba Peace Agreement, besides the proliferation of weapons in the hands of citizens and the proliferation of regular and semi-regular armed formations and armed movements, which posed a serious risk of their entry into the tribal conflict in the region.”

According to the statement, The Umma Party was briefed on reports on the opening of the territory’s borders to immigration from West Africa, and the recruitment of elements of Islamist terrorist movements, considering the negativity of the police and military forces in the face of occasional fighting, which caused the state of security liquidity in the region and the complete lack of national security.

“Immediately investigate allegations of the influx of West African fighters to Sudan, particularly those who were fighting alongside armed Islamist organizations in Niger, Nigeria, and Mali, take strong and clear measures to monitor Sudan’s borders with neighboring countries and apply the standards of movement with those countries as is universal,” the statement read.

The Party also stressed the need to remove any forces from tribal components involved in the conflict in Darfur and replace them with regular forces (army and police) from elements that were not a party to it, while emphasizing the discipline and competence of the regular forces and their commitment to maintaining security throughout the region.

It called for a translucent and prompt investigation into the Krenk town events, the results of which would be made public and all those who had contributed to the killing to be held accountable, whether by giving or executing orders.

Terrorist organizations in West Africa are linked to several political parties in Sudan, principally with al-Qaeda fighters who plotted to deploy mujahedin who had returned with the organization to Sudan from Afghanistan and other countries in the early 1990s before the Sudanese regime then asked them to leave for West African countries.

A Sudanese observer familiar with terrorist, jihadist and advocacy organizations in the region, who asked not to be named, said he did not rule out the appeal of the Islamic organization in Sudan for them to join in to prepare for any future confrontation if they were excluded from political action in the country, referring to recent threatening statements by leaders of the new Islamic Organization, which includes several Islamic groups, that they stated recently in the media “they would face any threat to their participation by all means of force”, as announced by a prominent leader.

Many jihadist groups, some of which are loyal to ISIS in Iraq and Syria, are scattered in the Sahel and African Sahara countries, along with radical Islamic armed groups and movements.


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