Main Sudan Democratics forces declined to participate in the Tripartite Mechanism ‘preparatory steps’


Al-Yurae-Khartoum- While most political and civilian forces opposed to the military coup continue to reject dialogue and settlement with the military and forces loyal to them, arrangements are under way for a preparatory meeting organized by the Tripartite Mechanism for resolving the Sudanese crisis, consisting of the United Nations Mission to Support the Democratic Transition in Sudan, the African Union and IGAD, which appears to face widespread opposition rejection.
Al-Walid, spokesman for the Sudanese Professionals Association, confirmed to London based (al-Quds al-Arabi) Newspaper that the tripartite mechanism had not reached out to them about the preparatory meetings to be held soon, stressing their rejection of any truce or settlement with the putschists and elements of the former regime.
He pointed out that all the initiaters ignored the principle of accountability and neglected the principle of restoring looted funds and addressing the economic situation, pointing out that the crisis in Sudan is based on socio-economic conflict before it is political and about who will share power.

He stressed their rejection of the term settlement, noting that the alternative they are working on is to remove the coup and hold those involved accountable, stressing that they will not be part of any dialogue with the coup leaders and those he called the old political club.
He noted that the dialogues they are currently engaged in are dialogues between revolutionary bodies that are displacing the coup d’état through the ongoing popular movement to completely stop the state wheel and wrest power.

In addition, the Central Council for Freedom and Change announced on Monday its rejection of the joint mechanism’s invitation to the preparatory meeting, stressing its belief in political solutions that meet the demands of the revolution and its rejection of the legitimacy of the coup.

Shihab al-Din al-Tayeb, leader of the Central Council for Freedom and Change, told (Al-Quds al-Arabi) that they refused to participate in the preparatory meeting because in the form offered by the mechanism would not lead to an end to the military coup, pointing out that the mechanism would have brought together the anti-coup forces with his loyalists and the former regime to agree on a prime minister and constitutional arrangements and then sit together as civilians versus the military to complete consultations, which is not in line with the demands and objectives of the Sudanese revolution.
He explained that the Central Council is currently discussing a vision of a political process aimed at overthrowing the coup and restoring the civil democratic path, indicating that it will deliberate on constitutional arrangements to end the military’s influence on power and work to end the multiplicity of armies and integrate them into a unified army, including rapid support and the termination of security arrangements.
The Central Council for Freedom and Change said in a statement yesterday: “The invitation to this week’s preparatory meeting was deeply debated by the Executive Office, and the Office has decided to reject the format and content of the preparatory meeting.

He stressed that the position of the forces of freedom and change on the political solution is principled and strategic, but wants a solution that fulfills the demands of the revolution in ending the Coup of October 25 and establishing a full civilian authority, and opens the way for the completion of the process of national construction that meets the demands of the masses for justice, peace, democracy and sustainable development.
The statement added: “We recognize that the process of national construction does not take place overnight, but we must lay the right foundation for us towards achieving these goals, which our people have sought in three great revolutions, pointing out that the December revolution has all the ingredients to lay the solid foundation and move the Sudanese people towards building a new democratic political system.
The Central Council for Freedom and Change reiterated its rejection of the intervention of the armed forces in politics and military coups categorically, stressing that the solution it seeks is based on the principle of a single professional army that reflects Sudanese diversity, ends the multiplicity of armies and reforms the military and security sector, in which the interests of the Sudan, the armed forces and other regular forces lie.

He also stressed that he was dealing positively with the Joint Mechanism of the United Nations, the African Union and IGAD, and its main task of turning the page on the coup and establishing a civilian authority and that freedom and change were seeking to work with them to achieve that. He called on the Mechanism to take into account, before preparing for a political process, the climate-creating measures of abolishing the state of emergency, the full commitment of the coup d’état authority to stop violence against the mass movement and the return of all powers authorizing the regular forces to use violence, chiefly live bullets, to the Attorney-General and the judiciary.
He stressed the release of all political detainees from the resistance committees, freedom and change leaders and the committee to dismantle the June 30 system and recover public funds.
He pointed out that the identification of the parties to the constitutional crisis should reflect the nature of the crisis and the current alignment accurately, pointing out that the parties to the crisis are the resistance forces supporting the process of civil democratic transition, which responded to the coup of October 25 last on the one hand, and the forces supporting the coup against the process of civil democratic transformation on the other.

He said: “Talking about the consensus of the civil front, which puts the resistance to the coup and its supporters on the same list is an old new attempt to form an incubator that supports the coup, to be under the control of the coup d’état and work to marginalize the real forces of the revolution, notably freedom and change, and to bless this new incubator the prime minister who is being chosen at auction these days and talk about it in the media, all to prepare for the establishment of mock elections such as the elections of the regime of Omar al-Bashir,” she said, noting that the bashir regime He’s already back.
“Our commitment to adopting peaceful tools against the coup means dealing with any political process — ending the coup and all that has ensued and establishing a full civilian authority — as one of the mechanisms tried in internal, regional and international conflicts, without waiving any of the demands of the revolution, noting that it is the most efficient and least costly mechanism.”

According to the Central Council for Freedom and Change, the real entrance to the liquidation of the revolution is the planting of strife and differences between its ranks and forces, and attempts at betrayal and counter-betrayal, which its enemies are working on, pointing out that the confiscation of the revolution as well and monopolizing it according to a narrow intellectual or political perspective does not accommodate the unity of all its forces, which also serves the forces of the counter-revolution and seeks to break up the forces of the revolution.
He stressed the need for unity without bidding or compromise, to defeat the coup and restore democratic civil transition.
In addition, the Sudanese Communist Party said that the features of the leaked settlement revolve around what was nominated from the Cairo meeting of the original unions with the federalists who participated in the rescue system, and what the tripartite mechanism said during its meeting with the delegation of the Communist Party.
He noted that the preparatory meeting in accordance with the mechanism was the all-encompassing meeting of all political forces without exception, and that the aim of the meeting was to reach a national consensus to discuss constitutional arrangements, set the criteria for selecting the Prime Minister and the Government and holding elections, and determining the functions of the Sovereignty Council and the military.

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