The Committees of Resistance and Change in Halfaia to (Al-Yurae): “We did not and will not meet at the head of the coup and the lies and fraud does not surprise us”


Al-Yurae- Khartoum-Exclusive- In a new refutation of what (Al-Yurae) addressed about the statements made by the president of the military council and the head of the State Council General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan last Saturday in his first television interview.

Where he stated: “The army met with the resistance committees leading the protest movement and several points were agreed upon. “Several parties taking part in the popular movement in Sudan denied this, as denied by the resistance committees for the moment.

In a statement received by (Al-Yurae) in which we inquire about the statements of president Al-Burhan with the resistance committees in Sudan that are leading the current popular demonstrations and was the spearhead in the regime’s overthrow of former President Omar al-Bashir

“We declare that we in the committees of resistance and change in all Halfaia North Khartoum offices and all members have not and will not meet the head of the coup, nor his forces, nor his aides,” the Committees for the Resistance said in a statement sent to (Al-Yurae). “Our hard work and hard work are aimed at bringing down the military coup, holding the perpetrators accountable, achieving the goals of the glorious December Revolution, and ending the history of military coups in the Sudanese state.”

“The lies and fraud of those who point their guns at our unarmed and peaceful people does not surprise us,” the statement said.

“There is no negotiation, no partnership, and no legitimacy,” they said.

The statements of meeting the popular resistance committees by the president of the military council, which turned on the civilian part of the transitional government, were intended to break the steadfastness of the components of the current popular uprising and marches that have been launched since the day of the coup on October 25 but were widely criticized

A spokesperson for the resistance committees also said the same thing yesterday, Yusuf Ahmed Ibrahim, in a statement to the Russian agency (Sputnik) that the resistance committees did not and will not back down from what they announced since the beginning of the coup last October, and that the recent statements of Al-Burhan “himself do not believe them” before the public opinion lies

Since October 25, 2021, Sudan has been experiencing a political crisis and protests calling for “full democratic civil rule” and rejecting extraordinary measures taken by army commander Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, most notably the imposition of a state of emergency and the dissolution of the sovereignty councils and transitional ministers.

Those opposed to Al-Burhan’s actions say it represents a coup d’état on a transition that began on August 21, 2019, and is supposed to end with elections in early 2024, during which the military, civilian forces and armed movements that signed a peace agreement with the government in 2020 will share power.

On over one occasion, Al-Burhan denied the army had staged a military coup, considered its actions aimed at “correcting the course of the transition”, and said that power would only be handed over to those who came through elections or political consensus.

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