Peaceful mass demonstrations in Sudan enter their third month and unprecedented violence by the security services today


Khartoum, Alyurae- Peaceful demonstrations demanding the removal of the military component from power and the declaration of a civilian state are in its third month since the first coup attempt and escalated after the second coup led by the military component in power against its civilian partner in power and the abolition of many constitutional texts announced after the December 2019 revolution known as the constitutional document.

Today, large numbers of demonstrations (the January 6th million demonstration) were announced as part of a schedule of demonstrations covering all cities of the Sudanese capital Khartoum, as well as many Sudanese cities in City of Wadamdni, Damazin, Port Sudan, Halafa Al Jadida, Kassala and others.
In an unprecedented escalation, demonstrations in Khartoum faced unprecedented violence to disperse them by the security services, which used heavy tear gas, stun grenades, live bullets and water cannons( dyed) an eyewitnesses said that unprecedented violence by the security forces on demonstrators in the city of Omdurman, especially in the area of Al-Arbaeen Street and Abbasiya, and a medical source indicated that the staff of the security services attacked doctors and staff at a hospital in the city of Omdurman again.
And according to the committee of doctors following the incidents today at the time of writing, two martyrs were killed by police shooting and large numbers of wounded and the number is constantly increasing

This morning Security authorities have closed bridges and roads leading to the presidential palace in the center of the Sudanese capital, which demonstrators said was their last destination, as in all previous demonstrations.

Sudan has been experiencing a stormy political crisis since Sudanese army commander General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan announced measures on October 25, including declaring a state of emergency and dissolving the councils of sovereignty and ministers.

Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok announced on Jan. 2 his resignation from his post in the wake of the political crisis.

The political agreement signed on Nov. 21 between Sudanese army commander General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok failed to calm the street.

A transitional authority was formed in Sudan made up of military and civilian personnel following the overthrow of Omar al-Bashir’s government on April 11, 2019.


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