Madani Resistance Committees to (Dabanga Radio): The Rapid Support stormed 53 villages and committed the most heinous crimes

A soldier from the Rapid Support celebrating in front of the gate of the command of the First Infantry Division without resistance from the army on Tuesday, December 19, 2024

Madani Resistance Committees announced that the Rapid Support Forces attacked 53 villages and committed the most heinous violations, terrorism, torture and looting against the citizens of Gezira State. Communication networks and the Internet continue to be interrupted for more than three weeks.

The Madani Resistance Committees said in a report by (Dabanga Radio) that since the interruption of the Internet and communications three weeks ago, the Rapid Support Forces attacked 53 villages of the state of Al-Jazeera and practiced the most heinous types of violations of killing, looting and terrorism against unarmed citizens.
It noted that they could be considered war crimes or crimes against humanity.

The Madani Resistance Committees confirmed that despite the difficulty of accessing information due to the complete isolation imposed on the state of Gezira due to the interruption of the Internet and communications, but they will monitor all violations carried out by the Rapid Support Forces in the state of Gezira.

The names of the villages were mentioned (the village of Wad Al-Balila – the village of Al-Suriyaba – the village of Abu Qouta – the village of Tabit – the village of Doha – the village of Tabkha – the village of Shabunat – the village of um Dawana Al-Ahmada – the village of Fetais – the village of Wad Cree – the village of Manaseer – the village of Al-Kibar – the village of Abdul Rahman – the village of Tabit Sheikh Abdul Mahmoud – the village of Finub – the village of Al-Aqda Al-Maghriba – the village of Ma’ijna – the village of Qalamouna – the village of um Maliha – the village of Abu Adara – the village of um Jeries – the village of Ghariqana – the village of Goz Al-Raheed – the village of Al-Freijab – the village of Al-Sedira – the village of Al-Ikoura – the village of Al-Maqareen – the village of Al-Nadiana – the village of Marioud – Al-Sariha village – Azraq village – Shubra village – Wad Sawi village – Al-Khojlab village – Fares Al-Kitab village – Jubailiya village – Kashmer village – Zubairat village – um Busha Al-Siddiq village – um Bousha Abdul Baqi village – Wad Hussein Al-Khawalid village – Sharif Mukhtar village – Wad Al-Basir village – Al-Talih Al-Khawaldeh village – um Adham village – Brinko village – Wadi Shaer village – Al-Marbia village – Wad Al-Nabihi village – Muslimiya villages – Kambo village Al-Jammu’iya – Saadab village – Abdul Jalil village)

Radio Dabanga/Al-Yurae

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