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The RSF besieges El Fasher and El Geneina and differences between the governor and his deputy over the evacuation of the city


Al-Yurae – (Local media) Governor Nimr Mohammed Abdul Rahman, who was concerned of the renewed battles. Round El-Fasir yesterday call its  Citizens to  “leave the areas in the circle of clashes between the warring parties to safe areas.” He said on his Facebook account: “We urge both parties to allow citizens to leave to preserve their lives,”  Nimr Abdul Rahman later reiterated that “despite the intentions , our efforts continue to avoid the state risk of destruction and devastation through continuous communication with the waring parties.”

The governor’s call was strongly criticized by the governor of the Darfur region, Minni Arko Minawi, who said he was in contact with all parties to avoid war in El Fasher, the region’s capital.

He said that El Fasher is overcrowded due to the large exodus from Nyala, Kutum, Tawila, Kabkabiya and other cities, including El Geneina, stressing that it is the only artery to feed all of Darfur, in addition to the camps that existed before this new displacement.

In an audio appeal, Minawi criticized the governor of North Darfur state, who calls on citizens to leave the city, and said that he was really unsuccessful, pointing out that they were not informed of the news of the attack, which confirms that he received from the rapid support. “We also did not seek the rapid support, although we have communicated with them on this matter,” he said.

Minawi offered “precious advice” for rapid support, while stressing that El Fasher is no better than the rest of Sudan’s cities, especially those in Darfur, which have suffered.

“You have to avoid attacking El Fasher and El Geneina, which are cities that host a citizen in every inch where there are displaced citizens or have received an undeserved punishment from killing and displacement, as long as negotiations are ongoing in Jeddah, you should focus on negotiating,” he said.

El Geneina in state of terror and panic

On the other hand, (Radio Dabanga) reported that the Rapid Support Forces announced that they had besieged the headquarters of the 15th Division in El Geneina from all directions since Wednesday morning. Three people were killed when a shell landed in the Ardamta area of West Darfur state on Tuesday.

One of the field commanders told Radio Dabanga that they gave the army 6 hours to surrender and leave the division, indicating that they would attack the command in the event of a lack of response, and explained that they demanded that citizens stay away from the perimeter of the division.

Three people were killed when a shell fell in the Ardamta area of West Darfur state on Tuesday, and the city of El Geneina witnessed a large movement of displacement to villages in the Chadian region of Adri for fear of a possible war between the army and the rapid support

Journalist Alaa al-Din Babiker from El Geneina told Dabanga Radio that there are tensions between the army and the Rapid Support, after information about possible clashes or confrontation between the two parties in the state after the arrival of a delegation provided by the Rapid Support coming from Zalingei, and said that there was a shell that fell in a house in the Ardamta area and killed the wife of citizen Othman Khater and his two daughters, in addition to the fall of a number of shells in the houses. Alaa added to Radio Dabanga that there is a wide displacement movement, especially in the neighborhoods adjacent to the army command, the Ardamta area, the neighborhoods of Al-Sham, Al-Naseem and Khartoum Jadid.

A state of terror and panic prevailed in the city of El Geneina on Tuesday after information circulated about an imminent attack by the Rapid Support Forces on the division’s headquarters in El Geneina.

Most residents of El Geneina and West Darfur state were earlier displaced to eastern Chad following deadly attacks that killed and injured thousands.

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