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U.S. Expresses Concern over Rapid Support Shelling of Civilian Neighborhoods


Al-Yurae-The United States of America expressed grave concern over credible reports that the RSF intensified its bombardment in and around Nyala in South Darfur and Karari in Omdurman, exacerbating the suffering of the Sudanese people.
State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said on Thursday that his country was aware of reports of the Rapid Support Forces and Sudanese armed forces fighting inside the Darfur city of Nyala.
He said the RSF may have cordoned off the city in preparation for an attack, potentially depriving civilians of the ability to flee to safety. He also revealed their concern at reports that the same forces had shelled and denied all access to the Hassahisa IDP camp in Central Darfur.

The State Department spokesman called on the Rapid Support to immediately stop bombing civilian neighborhoods and protect civilians in Nyala, Omdurman and throughout Sudan.
He called on the parties to the conflict in Sudan to immediately cease and return to talks in order to get out of this conflict through negotiations.
Miller said there was no acceptable military solution to this conflict, and a “victory” by either side would inflict intolerable losses on the Sudanese people and nation. “It is time to end this conflict and the suffering of the Sudanese people.”

Since mid-April, Sudanese have been living in a devastating war between the army and the Rapid Support Forces following disagreements over issues of integration and military reform and mutual accusations of gun robbery by force of arms.

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