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Ignoring the popular rejection of the settlement, FFC accuse elements of the former regime of working to obstruct it


The Coalition of Freedom and Change Forces in Sudan on Friday accused elements of the regime of former President Omar al-Bashir of working to sabotage the transition and obstruct the political settlement between civilian and military forces, which aims to restore the path of democratic transition and form a civilian government that leads the country to free and fair elections by the end of the transitional period.
“The recent increase in the activities of the remnants of the former regime and the dissolved National Congress Party aimed at undermining, obstructing and blocking the political process ignores the realities the Sudanese revolution in December rejecting their return,” spokeman of the FFC said in a statement

During the past period, some leaders of the Bashir regime came out into the open and organized a number of public meetings in which they called for preparing for confrontation and blocking the way for the return of the forces of freedom and change to rule again, as well as organizing a number of vigils to demand the release of Bashir and the symbols of the Islamic side who were imprisoned after the victory of the popular revolution in April 2019.

The forces of “freedom and change” ignored the reference to other rejectionists of the political settlement with the military, especially the protests by tens of thousands in Khartoum and other cities in mass demonstrations rejecting the settlement and the military coup and to demand the achievement of full civilian rule and retribution for the martyrs of the revolution and accountability for the perpetrators of violations against the demonstrators.
The protests came in response to calls made by the Coordination of the «Resistance Committees» to go out in the «Sixth of April» March, and a number of political parties and revolutionary entities stood in solidarity with them.
Where the demonstrators chanted slogans rejecting the settlement and slogans against the forces of «freedom and change» were also a common feature in the banners and slogans of the protesters.

For nearly a year and a half, the Resistance Committees have been marching in processions rejecting the military coup of 25 October 2021 and stressing the need to restore the path of democratic transition. Meanwhile, the security services continued to confront these protests using excessive violence, which caused the death of more than 125 demonstrators and thousands of injuries, an estimated number of which were classified as serious.

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