Al-Yurae – (Ultra Sudan) – Political Secretary of the Popular Front for Liberation and Justice Jaafar Mohamed Al-Hassan vowed political dismissal of the assistant to the ousted president and head of the “Beja Congress” Musa Mohamed Ahmed . According to what was quoted by the website (Ultra Sudan) Al-Hassan said: “Moussa Mohammed and his party will be subject to the law of political isolation, pointing out that the Sudanese revolution removed them, stressing that the “Asmara Agreement” signed in 2006 will not return again and that time has exceeded it.
The head of the “Beja Conference” Moussa Mohamed Ahmed demanded in a press conference yesterday called for the implementation of the Asmara agreement signed with the former regime.
Moussa Mohamed Ahmed pointed to the lack of consensus between the civil forces, saying that this hindered the transitional government and lost the meanings and objectives of the December revolution. He added that the issues of the east “cannot be solved in isolation from the issues of others”, pointing out that their solution is “a common consensus vision and the establishment of a platform to raise the issues of the east and cancel the (Path of the East) agreement that included in the Juba Agreement for peace in Sudan”.
Jaafar al-Hassan, a representative of the United Popular Front that signed the Juba Peace Agreement on the eastern path, said that the return of the dismantling and disempowerment committee will open the file of the “East Reconstruction” fund, to answer the question of where donor funds were spent, and whether the whole east benefited from it, and the fund’s files will be placed “on the table in the near future.”
The political secretary of the Popular Front for Liberation and Justice, Jaafar Mohammed al-Hassan, said that they are working on consensus arrangements between the components of the east to develop a political position that goes beyond what he described as “adventurers” to the people of interest in the east directly