Baath Party announces its withdrawal from the forces of freedom and change

The Arab Socialist Baath Party announced its withdrawal from the Forces of Freedom and Change the Central Council because of the political settlement with the military component.

In a statement the party stated that the signing of what was known as the framework agreement on December 5, 2022, with the leaders of the October 25, 2021 coup,

It legitimizes and prolongs the coup, confuses the political scene and weakens the unity of the forces of the December Revolution;

The participation of the majority of the forces of freedom and change in the signing the framework agreement with the putschists contradicts the basic objectives and principles for which this broad alliance was establishedthis empties it of its revolutionary content after siding with the putschists.

It is necessarily no longer the appropriate framework to mobilize and organize the broadest masses of our people in the struggle against the forces of tyranny and corruption.
The statement pointed out that the Baath Party did its best, to no avail, with the parties in Freedom and Change to prevent this strategic mistake.

This was the choice of the majority of them, which led to our separation from them and our alignment with Revolution forces;

To continue the tireless and patient struggle on the road to overthrowing the coup and getting our country out of the comprehensive and worsening national crisis.

Believing in collective action to overthrow the coup and get our country out of the national crisis.

“Our efforts will focus on the priority of building the broad Popular Front for Democracy and Change.

To unify and coordinate the efforts and energies of political and social forces in the peaceful revolutionary movement to escalate the uprising leading to political strike and civil disobedience

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