Al-Intibah newspaper :(Al-Qaeda-Daesh-Boko Haram) The possibilities of their presence in Sudan ..!

by: Moataz Mahjoub: Al-Intibaha Newspaper
Rough translation by Al-Yurae
(I do not rule out the involvement of Boko Haram)…. Without blinking an eyelid, the local official – the governor of the Rosiris locality Adel Ibrahim – told the newspaper the previous phrase and explained that the terrorist organization may be involved in the events witnessed in the Blue Nile region in the past days, during which hundreds of victims were killed and bodies were burned and dismembered during the tribal conflict in the region, and the local official may speak according to information, and links the presence of the terrorist organization with a number of signals, including the infiltration of unknown groups to the region and the use of heavy weapons for the first time in the events, as well as On the subject of the representation of corpses, which the human being of the region does not known to be capable of such .
On the other hand, colleague at “Al-Sudani” Newspapper published a report by the specialist in the affairs of terrorist groups Al-Hadi Mohammed Al-Amin, in which he mentioned the demand of one of the most prominent leaders of Hurras al-Din in Syria, affiliated with Al-Qaeda, Abu Hudhaifa Al-Sudani for the need to (Sudanization) of fighting in Sudan, to keep pace with the current conditions and transformations that the country is going through, calling on Sudanese fighters to fight an open and long-term battle with the facades of global infidelity led by America, which he described as the “head of the snake” and its regional proxies and the puppet and apostate government, according to his claim.

Open Probabilities

Perhaps the previous signals from al-Hadi and from the local official with their link to the complex local conditions witnessed by Sudan make all possibilities open for terrorist cells from Daesh, al-Qaeda or Boko Haram to enter Sudan or awaken sleeper cells in the absence of a government for almost a year, and under open borders and security liquidity, with signs of interference by external parties and trying to impose their control over the situation in Sudan through a tripartite and quadruple mechanism and try to find a solution to the Sudanese political crisis through A settlement with parties described by jihadists in Sudan and in the world as secular actors who want to transform conservative Sudanese society into a dissolved society as they described secularism.
In order to try to find out the possibility of this happening, it is necessary to refer to the most prominent terrorist incidents witnessed by Sudan since independence in 1956.

Black September

The events of Black September, the home of the then Saudi ambassador to Khartoum, Abdullah al-Malhouq, were the scene of when eight masked men from the Palestinian Black September organization attacked the Saudi embassy in Khartoum during a diplomatic ceremony to bid farewell to the U.S. Chargé d’affaires in Khartoum, Curtis Moore, and to receive the new U.S. ambassador Clio Noel on March 1, 1973. The Palestinians arrested the U.S. ambassador, chargé d’affaires, the ambassador of Saudi Arabia, his wife, their four children and a large number of diplomats and demanded the release of thousands of Palestinians in Israeli and Jordanian prisons, as well as the release of Sarhan Sarhan (a Palestinian American who was sentenced to life in prison for his assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy in 1967 and remains in prison). On the second day, then-US President Nixon refused to negotiate, saying that they would “not succumb to blackmail,” and on the third day, the Palestinians announced the killing of the three Westerners, released the rest, and surrendered to the Sudanese police..

Assassination of Al-Hakim

The assassination of Muhammad Mahdi al-Hakim in 1988 was important, as he represents an important figure in the calculations of international and regional circles, and a dangerous element in the eyes of the Iraqi government, and received an invitation from the editor-in-chief of Al-Alam newspaper to attend the Islamic Conference in Khartoum held under the auspices of the National Islamic Front in Sudan, and met with Turabi and held a meeting with him that lasted for hours..Upon his return to the Hilton Hotel, as he crossed the gate of the hotel, two Iraqis emptied the bullets of silenced pistols into the latter’s chest.
Al , Khulaifi

In early 1994, Sudanese recall the events of the Al-Thawra Mosque in the city of Omdurman, when Abdul Rahman al-Khulaifi of Libyan nationality and three others attacked with firearms a mosque belonging to Ansar al-Sunna, claiming the lives of 27 worshippers, and the news that emerged after that incident that the Islamic leader Hassan al-Turabi was also a target of al-Khulaifi, as well as al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, who was residing in Khartoum at the time, but lived in a fortified and heavily guarded house in the central Khartoum suburb of Riyadh. However, the information of the house was not clear to the perpetrators..

Al- Gurafa Massacre

The massacre of the Al-Jourafa Mosque on December 8, 2000 was on members of Ansar al-Sunna in the mosque where the gunman (Abbas al-Baqir Abbas), a member of the group “Takfir and al-Hijra”, fired with “Kalashnikov” AK47 gunmachime at worshippers during evening prayers, killing at least 22 people and wounding more than 30 others before being shot dead by police.

Although Abbas acted alone, police said. Eyewitnesses reported that shots were fired from three directions and that there were at least three attackers wearing (jlabibs), all but one of whom fled before police arrived.

Al-Salma cell

In August 2007, Sudanese security services interrogated eight Sudanese people, including a doctor and an engineer, who were arrested after an accidental explosion in the southern Khartoum area that led police with the help of citizens to seize large quantities of weapons, ammunition and explosives.

Granville’s murder

U.S. diplomat John Granville, a 33-year-old USAID employee, was shot dead along with his driver, Abdulrahman Abbas Rahma, 39, as they returned from New Year’s Eve celebrations in the early hours of January 1, 2008.

Dinder cell

The security authorities arrested the Dinder cell after it attacked while stationed in the Dinder Reserve a point of the wildlife protection police and seized automatic rifles, and a police officer fell as a result of that attack, in November 2012, and the group was in the process of military training in a camp in preparation for jihad in Mali against French forces, and released them after mediation and intellectual reviews in June 2014.
The decision to release the defendants with personal pledges was implemented among crowds of their families.

Daesh handing over

In December 2016, the Tunisian government announced that it had received from Sudan, one of the most prominent leaders of the Islamic State (IS) involved in terrorist operations in Tunisia and was preparing to move from Sudan to Italy to carry out terrorist operations there and was arrested, according to Tunisians, with Sudanese-Italian intelligence cooperation.

Tunisian authorities said at the time that Fezzani was the link in networks to attract, recruit and send young people and terrorist elements that are directed either to Syria or to receive military training in Libya and then return to Tunisia to carry out assassinations and terrorist attacks targeting the security of the country. .

Explosives apartment

In February 2017, the bombing in Khartoum that injured one person revealed an apartment with explosives making materials, and police and the National Intelligence and Security Service stormed the apartment, which is located in the residential neighborhood of Arquette south of the capital, after an explosion occurred in the same building around 2 a.m.

“During the raid materials used to cause huge explosions were found, along with some foreign passports.

Boko Haram

The Sudanese Armed Forces announced in December 2019 that they had arrested elements affiliated with the terrorist organization “Boko Haram”, inside the Sudanese borders, and a statement said that military intelligence was able to arrest 6 members of the terrorist organization “Boko Haram”, who hold Chadian nationality inside the Sudanese border, and were handed over to the Chadian security services.

Sleeper cells

In September 2021, the Sudanese authorities dismantled ISIS terrorist cells and arrested 11 of their members, and according to a statement issued by the General Intelligence and Security Service, “five Sudanese military personnel, including two officers and three non-commissioned officers of the intelligence services, were shot dead during the raid on the terrorist cell.” The statement added that “within the framework of the efforts exerted by the General Intelligence Service towards securing and stabilizing the country and in full coordination with the security services to fight and combat extremist terrorist activities, and based on the availability of information on a cell affiliated with the terrorist Daesh, a security operation was carried out to arrest this group in the neighborhoods of Jabra Square 18 and 14 and Al-Azhari Square 14 south of Khartoum.”

Fertile land

Abu Hudhaifa al-Sudani stressed that the internal environment in the country has become fully prepared for armed change and that it is on the cusp of an upcoming “combat situation”, which constitutes the solid foundation on which the elements of jihadist work are based to serve as a “fertile ground” for the launch of jihad, which begins through a long strip through its fronts in Dongola to cover Atbara passing through Shindi, then limps on Port Sudan, meets in Kassala, crosses the plains of the lining, joins Madani and Kosti, and is followed by the cities of Kordofan and Darfur, and the headquarters of its association are within the neighborhoods of Khartoum.

Open Battle

Returning to the report of Al-Hadi Mohammed Al-Amin , in which Abu Hudhaifa called on the Sudanese to Sudanize the fighting in Sudan, to keep pace with the current conditions and transformations that the country is going through, and during which he called on Sudanese fighters to fight an open and long-term battle with the facades of global infidelity led by America, Abu Hudhaifa Al-Sudani stressed that the internal environment in Sudan is ready for armed change and that it is a “fertile ground” for the launch of jihad that begins through a long strip through its fronts in Dongola and Atbara passing through Shandi and then Port Sudan, Kassala and the plains of the lining It is civil and Kosti, and the cities of Kordofan and Darfur are attached to it and the headquarters of its association are within the neighborhoods of Khartoum. Abu Hudhaifa acknowledges that there is a real crisis suffered by the jihadist current in Sudan in terms of confusion, novelty of experience and lack of experience with the absence of (internal balance) of (military operations).

New combat style

He called for the development of a new combat pattern in Sudan that goes beyond the mistakes of previous experiences, represented in the cell of Salma 2007 and the cell of al-Dinder 2012, considering that the experience of (al-Salma) was an attempt to reproduce (the Iraqi experience) while (al-Dandar) was an attempt to simulate (the Somali model) and that reaching the model form of jihad in Sudan will not succeed unless the mujahedeen leave the life of (da’a) and prosperity and move to a life of fragmentation and roughness in mountains, forests and deserts, pointing out that luxury is the enemy of jihad and mujahideen.

ISIS Infiltration

The researcher in military affairs, Major General Amin Ismail Majzoub, points out in previous statements according to the Independent newspapper that the presence of ISIS cells in Sudan is a new thing that began since 2018, after the events of the December Revolution in opposition to the removal of the former regime with radical origins from power, and this organization exists in Africa after its return from Syria, and the return of its elements to Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt and Libya, and some of its elements infiltrated into southern Libya and took an incubator, while those elements turned to research About other cells and incubators that were formed in Sudan’s neighboring countries, and from which they infiltrated into the country, which are small cells, but their danger lies in the fact that they are highly trained technically, in addition to possessing information, funds and advanced devices, which poses a danger to the internal security of Sudan. .

700 terrorists

A reliable source in the intelligence service confirmed in his interview with “Eram News” that the intelligence service monitors the presence of hundreds of terrorists in the country and follows their movements to arrest them, and the source estimated the number of these elements in Sudan at about 700 terrorist elements, most of them in the capital Khartoum, and says that the intelligence has detailed information about these elements and develops tight plans to arrest them.

Recruitment brokers

Amr Farouk, an Egyptian researcher on fundamentalist groups, said in a special statement to Russia Today that Sudan is a fertile environment for the growth of armed Salafi-jihadi currents, especially since the former political regime was strong in it and made it a shield to protect its interests at home and abroad.
He continued: “The group most affected and joining the armed fundamentalist groups is limited to university student circles that are Attract and recruite, and Farouk claims, “Sudan is a safe incubator for the cells that are lurking, to organize ISIS and al-Qaeda, as a result of the presence of brokers for recruitment and polarization spread in Sudan, and they have close ties to various extremist organizations spread deep in Africa..

Bulldozing the security services

In the same context, an expert in terrorist groups revealed to Al-Intibah – preferring to withhold his name – that the chaos in the country indicates beyond any doubt that there are terrorist cells spreading, whether cells affiliated with al-Qaeda, the Islamic State “Daesh” or Boko Haram, pointing out that the past period witnessed the crossing of some terrorist elements and infiltrated them from the country and the monitoring of three terrorist elements who crossed into Ethiopia and from there to the Horn of Africa.

The expert added that the change of regimes and the state of continuous movement and bulldozing witnessed by the security forces have a great role in the entry of terrorist elements and their formation of cells that may be ready cells waiting for the zero hour.

Through the previous narrative, we tried to depict the scene through a number of angles while linking it with some of the events and facts that took place and trying to alert to what could happen if many of the references and facts that occur on a large scale in Sudan are overlooked, and with the open probability of all scenarios happening.

Note: Al-Yurae is not responsible for the content of external sites
Al-Intibaha newspaper was founded by the uncle of ousted President al-Bashir before it was sold and was considered loyal to his regime before the December 2019 revolution

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