Sudan delayed renewing the residence visa of senior UN advisor for weeks before the rejection-UNITAMS


Al-Yurae- After a widespread campaign of speculation among the Sudanese media about the reasons for the departure of the UN adviser to the UN mission the former British ambassador H.E. Rosalind Marsden, the UN mission issued a statement correcting what it discribed as the ‘errournes news’ about what happened and explaining in statment atributedto the mission’s official spokesman the real reason why the UN advisor did not return to Sudan

The mission’s statement issued by its spokesman on Monday said the Sudanese authorities had delayed renewing the residence visa for weeks before the rejection,
“It is disappointing that after considering the application for many weeks, the authorities have chosen not to renew her residency visa. The decision is unfortunate especially given the recent request of the Sudanese authorities for UNITAMS and its partners to devote more attention to support for peacebuilding and mobilizing resources for many priority activities.”

Marsden is one of the senior experts who has worked with the UN team in Sudan and has been a senior UN adviser in Sudan since July 2021.

The statment went to say “she has been supporting on a series of integrated peacebuilding assessments, intended to help UN Agencies and partners design and prioritize needs for support at the state level and Juba Peace Agreement (JPA) implementation and monitoring”.
“and we have been very grateful for ms. Rosalind’s contributions to support these activities, given her deep knowledge of Sudan and effective international networks. She is a former British ambassador and former SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE of the European Union in Sudan.”


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