Protesters out again across Sudan against the coup for hundred days running

KHARTOUM, Al-Yurae- Agencies-Hundred of Thousands returned to the streets in the capital Khartoum and across Sudan, in some of the biggest demonstrations against October’s coup in nearly a month.

Across the River Nile from Khartoum, officers fired teargas to try to disperse people who approached the disused parliament buildings in Omdurman and got close to a key bridge.

Columns of smoke rose into the sky as demonstrators blocked one of the main streets in Omdurman with stones. Some held giant pictures of protesters killed during previous rallies.

The protesters, who came from different parts of the country and gathered in front of the parliament in Omdurman, the twin city of the capital Khartoum, raised anti-army banners and chanted anti-coup slogans.

“We have come today in front of the parliament to demand democracy and reject the military coup. We have been protesting for the past four months and will keep protesting until our demands are met,” Osman Mahjob, a protester, told Anadolu Agency.

“We won’t let the martyrs’ killers seize our country. We won’t let the military and the (former regime) return again. We are a free and democratic generation,” Sara Ahmed, a 19-year-old student, said.

At least 80 have been killed by security forces since the coup, according to medics.

The military and police say they allow peaceful protest, that members of the security forces have had to defend themselves, and that casualties are being investigated.

In Khartoum, separate groups of protesters demonstrated about 2 km from the presidential palace amid heavy security, witnesses said.

One protester was killed by scattered gunshot in Khartoum, said the Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors, a group aligned with the protest movement. It said the second protester was shot dead in Omdurman. There was no immediate comment from the military leadership.

Pictures of rallies in other towns and cities across Sudan were posted on social media.

The pro-democracy protests organized by the Sudanese resistance committees have also spread to different parts of the country, including River Nile, Northern, Red Sea, North Kordofan, Al Jazirah, and Sennar states

In recent days security forces have arrested three high-profile civilian figures connected to a task force that was working to dismantle the rule of former President Omar al-Bashir, who was toppled in an uprising in 2019.

“Freedom for the detainees,” read a banner unfurled in Omdurman.

An activist lawyers group said last week that more than 100 political detainees were being held without charge.

Separately, the country’s military leader General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the head of the Transitional Sovereign Council, appointed Lieutenant-General Yassin Ibrahim Yassin as acting defence minister, a statement by the council said on Monday.

Yassin previously held the position in former Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok’s

Meanwhile, an African Union (AU) delegation headed by AU Commission head Musa Faki began a three-day visit to Sudan on Saturday to find a political solution to the current crisis, the Sudanese Sovereign Council said in a statement.

The Sovereign Council’s Deputy Chairman Mohamed Hamdan Daglo briefed the visiting delegation on the council’s vision to resolve the crisis, including a national dialogue, formation of a technocrat government, amendments to the political declaration, and holding of the general elections by the end of the transitional period, the statement added.

The AU delegation called for political consensus to restore stability in the country.

At least two protesters were shot dead as security forces confronted crowds, medics and a Reuters reporter said.

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