Hamidati announces $1 million donations amid calls to reveal sources of his kingdom’s financial wealth


Al-Yurae- The leader of the Janjaweed Militias (Rapid Support Forces) the vice-president of the Council of Sovereignty Mohammed Hamdan Deglo (Hamidtti) when addressing the launch of the work of organizations contributed to the project of (sustainable development) in the presence of over 7,000 young men and women students of Sudanese universities and in the presence of many business owners a personal donation of $1 million to treat the wounded of the revolution abroad and allocate production projects to support their families, pointing out that the first recipient’s completed treatment in the Kingdom of Jordan

Praising the generous donation of 10 million dollars from the President of the Employers’ Union (5 trillion SDG pounds equivalent to $10 million), and Sultan Ahmed Hussein Ayoub Ali Dinar donated $100,000 and business person Aladdin $100,000 and A company in Wadi Al-Da’in Production donated half a million seedlings of the hashab tree and Banana plants from business owner Al-Brier, and business person Nizar $50,000, while the defense industry system sponsored 7,000 young people employed within the system in cooperation with the two organizations.)

Where did you get this from?

Hamidati’s speech re-established widespread controversy in Sudanese circles about the mystery of the wealth of the Janjaweed financial militia empire, which has been under wraps for decades.

Hamidan’s family did not know any financial or tribal influence before the outbreak of the fighting in the Darfur region, where they were hired by the former regime to form armed militias and assist in the ongoing war against Darfur rebel militias.

According to the Sudanese authorities, the Janjaweed militias belonged directly to the Sudanese security apparatus and directly under the powers of President Al-Bashir and allocated a separate budget from the general budget of the Sudanese army, defense and sovereignty, which amounted to about 72% of Sudan’s budget at the time.

After the outbreak of the War in Yemen, Sudan announced the participation in the coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates with troops from the Janjaweed militias, it became clear later that the two countries were paying huge amounts for the participation of the militia personnel, which goes directly in free currency to the Janjaweed command and the Dalgo family at the same time as these forces receive government salaries.

Once again, when the civil-military conflict broke out in Libya, many reports revealed that Janjaweed militias were involved in the conflict there in exchange for a financial return.


Gold smuggling

At all stages of the announcement of the sources of income of the Janjaweed militias, there was a deliberate blackout on them and they referred to as investments by the security services, but it became clear later that the Delgo family owned several companies engaged in gold mining in Sudan that was not announced.

With the Janjaweed recognizing gold exploration in several areas, including the Nuba Mountains and Jabal Amer, questions began about how these signs of wealth, which remained opaque under the cover of the international boycott of the former regime, began.

This blackout did not last long as several international investigations, the latest of which revealed an investigation by Global Witness about the Janjaweed financial empire and its association with gold smuggling and its financial relations extending to gulf countries and even Russia

(Al-Vic Badrbo)

As the Sudanese proverb “Al-Vic Badrbo” says, which means begin by denying the charges about yourself in advance, where Hamdan Delgo repeatedly hastened to deny the sources of wealth of his militias and his family, but after the success of the December revolution, which toppled President Al-Bashir he went on announcing the property of the Janjaweed in mining in Jabal Amer and announced its delivery to the Sudanese government represented by the Sudanese mining company for a symbolic amount announced nearly fifty million dollars

Referring to the accusations which Hamidati has repeatedly denied, he reiterated his readiness to take part in a war on smugglers of Sudan’s wealth, saying he was pledging

“Working in the coming days to fight all forms of smuggling by activating all deterrent laws that prevent the waste of the country’s resources, pointing out that the law will affect anyone found to be involved in smuggling Sudan’s resources even if this person hamidati himself as some say, and pointed out that this work will be done in accordance with the law and guard the borders of Sudan from leaking its resources.”

But many Sudanese observers insist that for Hamidati to come clean must announce all sources of income of his militias and foreign interests transparently.


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