BBC confirmed (Alyurae) report three of its journalists were arrested in Khartoum

Khartoum-Alyurae — A group of plain clothes armed men on a pickup truck with no number plates have stopped a car carrying the BBC team in the capital Khartoum yesterday and arrested them according to eyewitness told Alyurae at the time of the incident,

The BBC later confirmed that authorities in Sudan briefly arrested three of its journalists in the capital Monday as thousands of Sudanese took to the streets across the country in the latest anti-coup protests

The news outlet said in a report that the journalists working with its Arabic service were taken to an unknown location in Khartoum. The BBC said authorities released the three journalists late Monday.

There was no immediate comment from authorities. 

Thousands of Sudanese marched in the streets of Khartoum and its twin city Omdurman, according to the pro-democracy movement.

Security forces fired live ammunition, rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the protesters, especially around the presidential palace in Khartoum, activist Nazim Sirag said.

Social media swarmed with images showing tear gas clouding rallies in Khartoum and protesters hurling stones and throwing back empty gas canisters at security forces.

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