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Dr. Lam Akol: “Zubair Mohammed Saleh was not killed because I was on the same plane and this is what happened



The former Foreign Minister and leader of the South Sudan People’s Movement, Dr. Lam Akol, recounted to the program “Political Memory” broadcast by The Saudi Arabian Channel Alarabiya, which details what happened in the incident of former Vice President of Bashir Al-Zubair Mohammed Saleh, the powerful man of Bashir coup who died in a flight to the south during the war there.
Lam Akol denied all rumors that were said about the circumstances of the incident at the time and the authorities did not deny it at the time, such as a fight that took place in the plane between him and a southern leader and others, which indicated that the Aeroplan was subjected to anti-aircraft fire from the ground . and others

Dr. Lam Akol stated that the tarmac was facing the Subabat River at an existing angle and there were strong winds, but the visibility was very clear and the captain of the plane was supposed to go from east to west, but the captain chose the wrong side and went down from west to east where the wind pushed the plane to get down in the middle of the runway and the remaining distance from it was not enough, pointing out that it was a Russian-made Antinov plane, so it pushed towards the river and fell into it, but the river At that time it was not high so the front of the plane sank and flooded and there was chastity and goods in the plane darted forward, the front door was closed and Zubair Mohammed Saleh and the dead with him in the front of the plane where taped there due to the blockage of the door separating them from the back of the plane with the nest and he and an estimated number of twenty-one people managed to get out of a crater in the back of the plane managed to open it while sinking those who could not swim and pointed to the presence of A large number of people greeted them on the tarmac at the time and saw the details of the incident, echoing all the rumors that prevailed at the time

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