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Khartoum police officer death in Thursday demonstration sparks widespread controversy and demands for investigation



Alyurae- Khartoum-
The Freedom and Change Declaration forces called on the Sudanese authorities to reveal the mystery of the killing of a police officer in Thursday’s demonstrations in Khartoum.

A statement issued by the former ruling coalition came late Thursday, Anatolia news agency reported.

The forces of freedom and change stressed that the Sudanese people are “committed to the peacefulness of demonstrations”,
“We express our concern about the uncertainty surrounding the killing of a senior police officer, and we affirm that the people who organized a peaceful revolution three years ago do not need to prove their adherence to the values and peace of the revolution,” the statement said.

On Thursday evening, the Sudanese Interior Ministry announced that it had arrested the killer of police chief Ali Prima Hamed, who spent his time securing the Khartoum demonstrations.
He was stabbed, beaten in the head and injured by a number of individuals of different ranks in an attack in Shroni. The Ministry of Interior praised him and described him as “the martyr of duty, who rested his soul in the line of duty to protect the january 13th processions” the incident happened next to the Estak laboratory.
But the FFC statement says “We call for the demystifying of the circumstances of his death, and we categorically reject the authorities’ desperate attempts to stigmatize the peaceful mass movement with violence through the use of flimsy pretexts and scandalous scenarios,” .

The statement condemned “violations by Sudanese security forces against unarmed demonstrators in Thursday’s demonstrations.”

Several social media outlets users have questioned Sudanese police’s report on the incident, with some activists posting pictures they said were of Khartoum police website (which we could not verify) which, according to their accusations, referred to “the site’s obituary of the killing of the police officer long before the start of Thursday demonstrations.”
Others have published doubts about the police account, claiming that some of the deceased’s family raised doubts about the incident, which was later denied.
Other groups were quick to point out what was mentioned in the Sudanese Armed Forces newspaper in an article by its editors, in which they included the scenario of the demonstrators attacking police officers and the subsequent consequences.
It is a newspaper whose editorial approach is known as hostility to the current demonstrations

Brig. Gen. Dr. Taher Abu Haga, media advisor to the president of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council, said that
“The chaos that is tearing the country apart will not be allowed to continue,”. he add that
“targeting the armed forces and other regular forces is a target for national security and the unity of the country.
“Whoever talks about no’s: no partnership,no legitimacy and no negotiation,” Abu Haga told the official news agency.is tempting them to work against the homeland and the stability of the transitional period,
“What is happening is a blatant departure from peace, and those who kill are not peaceful or free seekers, but are driven to push the country’s fire and tear it apart,” he said.
The director general of the General Intelligence Service,and his deputy, the command body, officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers mourned all the officers of the police force command, officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers and called on all citizens to abide by peaceful expression in accordance with the constitution and the law and “miss the opportunity for saboteurs and outlaws,” said in statement .

Sudan is experiencing a political crisis following the resignation of Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok and the single-handedness of the proof of power, which is rejected by protesters demanding that the military component step down from power in Sudan once and for all.

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