Despite moderate warning yesterday, Khartoum authorities closed all roads and bridges in preparation for today protest.


Khartoum-(Alyurae): Khartoum state has decided to close several bridges in conjunction with calls for demonstrations today.

Authorities said the Blue Nile, White Nile and Mek Nimer bridges will be closed while the armed forces, soba and Halafaia bridges will be kept open.

Khartoum state authorities issued several reassurance and warning directives on Monday, instructing the security committee not to prosecute peaceful demonstrators inside residential sites, alleys and health facilities.

The committee stressed its keenness not to use violence inside hospitals and health facilities against peaceful demonstrators, and its commitment to try any regular or citizen convicted of looting .

She appealed to all coordinators and demonstrators to stay away from sovereign positions and health facilities, considering that demonstrations are a right guaranteed by the Constitution, and not to resort to provoking regular forces in performing their national duties.

The Security Committee pledged to provide high-ranking regular elements within hospitals to monitor any escapes by its staff, calling on citizens to immediately report any cases of abuse to be dealt with directly.

Meanwhile Khartoum is preparing for mass peaceful demonstrations and vigils today called for by the coordination of resistance committees and the Sudan Professionals Association resistance committees Um Darman and the Unified Doctors Office, in a continuation of the pressure on military rule.

In a statement yesterday, the coordination of the Resistance Committees of the Greater City of Omdurman said that it had agreed to “organize the January 9th millionth march.

Sunday’s protests were a continuation of the escalation until the military coup overthrown.

The Unified Medical Office said it was organizing medical staff stops and a procession of doctors on the third anniversary of the storming of Omdurman Hospital on January 9, 2019.

Saying their intention to hand over a memorandum to the High Commissioner for Human Rights to stop repeated violations of health facilities and medical staff.

The army toppled the civilian government in late October, announced the dissolution of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and arrested a number of ministers and officials, before Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok was later released.

The army and Hamdok later reached a political agreement to form a new government, and armed forces commander Abdel Fattah al-Burhan pledged to step down as soon as power was handed over to the elected bodies. Hamdok announced on January 2nd that he had officially resigned from his post, in the event of protests against the political agreement between him and Sudanese Sovereignty Council President Abdel Fattah al-Burhan.

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